Section 76143.

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For purposes of the nonresident tuition fee, a community college district shall disregard the time during which a student living in the district resided outside the state, if:

(1) The change of residence to a place outside the state was due to a job transfer and was made at the request of the employer of the student or the employer of the student’s spouse or, in the case of a student who resided with, and was a dependent of, the student’s parents, the change of residence was made at the request of an employer of either of the student’s parents.

(2) Such absence from the state was for a period of not more than four years.

(3) At the time of application for admission to a college maintained by the district, the student would qualify as a resident if the period of the student’s absence from the state was disregarded.

A nonresident tuition fee shall not be charged to a student who meets each of the conditions specified in subdivisions (1) to (3), inclusive.

(Amended by Stats. 1977, Ch. 36.)

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