Section 76030.

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(a) Consistent with requirements of due process of law, with this article, and with the rules of student conduct adopted by the governing board under Section 66300, the governing board, the president of a community college or the president’s designee, or an instructor shall suspend a student for good cause. In addition, the governing board is authorized to expel a student for good cause when other means of correction fail to bring about proper conduct, or when the presence of the student causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the student or others. The suspension or expulsion of a student shall be accompanied by a hearing conducted pursuant to the requirements of Section 66017.

(b) (1) Notwithstanding any other law, if an order requested by a community college district to protect a campus of a community college district or any person regularly present on a campus of that district is issued upon a finding of good cause by a court against a student of that community college district, and the order prevents that student from attending classes and maintaining his or her academic standing, the community college district may require the student to apply for reinstatement after the expiration of that order. If the district requires the student to apply for reinstatement, it shall do so before the expiration of the protective order. If a student applies for reinstatement under this paragraph, a review with respect to the application shall be conducted. This review, at a minimum, shall include consideration of all of the following issues:

(A) The gravity of the offense.

(B) Evidence of subsequent offenses, if any.

(C) The likelihood that the student would cause substantial disruption if he or she is reinstated.

(2) The governing board of the community college district, or the person to whom authority is delegated pursuant to subdivision (f) of Section 76038, shall take one of the following actions after conducting a review under paragraph (1):

(A) Deny reinstatement.

(B) Permit reinstatement.

(C) Permit conditional reinstatement and specify the conditions under which reinstatement will be permitted.

(Amended by Stats. 2015, Ch. 303, Sec. 121. (AB 731) Effective January 1, 2016.)

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