Section 76000.

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The governing board of a community college district shall admit to the community college any California resident, and may admit any nonresident, possessing a high school diploma or the equivalent thereof.

The governing board may admit to the community college any apprentice, as defined in Section 3077 of the Labor Code, who, in the judgment of the governing board, is capable of profiting from the instruction offered.

The governing board may by rule determine whether there shall be admitted to the community college any other person who is over 18 years of age and who, in the judgment of the board, is capable of profiting from the instruction offered. If the governing board determines to admit other persons, those persons shall be admitted as provisional students and thereafter shall be required to comply with the rules and regulations prescribed by the board of governors pertaining to the scholastic achievement and other standards to be met by provisional or probationary students, as a condition to being readmitted in any succeeding semester. This paragraph shall not apply to persons in attendance in special classes and programs established for adults pursuant to Section 78401 or to any persons attending on a part-time basis only.

(Amended by Stats. 1995, Ch. 758, Sec. 88. Effective January 1, 1996.)

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