Section 75010.

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(a) Notwithstanding any other law, the college may establish an affordable fee structure. The college shall establish a fee structure that is equivalent to or less than the fees charged by traditional community colleges. The chief executive officer of the college shall notify, in writing, the Director of Finance and the Legislature, not less than 60 days prior to the effective date of any fee structure established under this subdivision. The notification shall contain, but not necessarily be limited to, the amount or amounts of the fees proposed to be charged. Notification to the Legislature under this subdivision shall comply with Section 9795 of the Government Code.

(b) (1) Regardless of the college’s fee structure, enrolled students shall be eligible for fee waivers that are consistent with the fee waiver goals of the California College Promise Grants authorized pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section 76300) of Chapter 2 of Part 47 and California College Promise fee waivers authorized pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 76396) of Chapter 2 of Part 47.

(2) Regardless of the college’s fee structure, students exempt from nonresident tuition pursuant to Article 9 (commencing with Section 76140) of Chapter 1 of Part 47 shall be eligible for tuition and fee waivers pursuant to paragraph (1).

(c) It is the intent of the Legislature that students enrolled in the college be eligible to participate in the Cal Grant program if the student otherwise meets the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements of the program.

(d) (1) One-time funds appropriated in Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2018 in support of the college shall be expended to support the college’s start-up costs. Start-up costs may include support for activities, including, but not necessarily limited to, all of the following:

(A) Roadmap development and capital investments for scalable technology infrastructure development to support the college’s instruction, technological support, continuous improvement modeling, and administrative functions.

(B) Design and development of the Research and Development Unit that may include fully-supported virtual and mobile labs in order to assess learning science, as well as demonstration pilots to test and refine technology and program development to ensure greater effectiveness and scalability.

(C) Establishment of key partnerships with entities with physical presence to provide in-person supports, such as libraries and community college labs and facilities.

(D) Support for the development of core functions, such as mapping the student experience, developing and testing a new and experimental fee model, establishing a student outreach plan, and establishing key employer partners.

(E) Development of a seven-year business plan with key milestones, indicators, and outcomes.

(F) Preparation for and development of applications to seek accreditation.

(G) Establishment of business processes, legal support, development of initial and long-term staffing plan, personnel policies and procedures, establishment of responsive metrics, and indicators driving student success to inform design.

(H) Scaling efforts over the seven-year startup period.

(2) Ongoing funds appropriated in the annual Budget Act in support of the college shall be expended to support the college’s ongoing operations. Ongoing costs may include support for activities, including, but not necessarily limited to, all of the following:

(A) Licensing and maintenance for use of technology and related tools.

(B) Professional development and training, particularly for faculty and staff in student-facing support roles.

(C) Continued assessment of student program pathways, including validation, content development and improvements, and partnership development.

(D) Ongoing costs associated with salaries and benefits, facilities, supplies, and incidentals.

(E) Other administrative functions of the college.

(e) The California Online Community College shall be eligible to claim general apportionment funding pursuant to the formula established in Section 84750.5 or any successor section.

(1) Consistent with the Student-Focused Funding Formula established pursuant to Section 84750.4, the district would be eligible for supplemental grants and student success incentive grants.

(2) For the first three years in which the district claims apportionments funding, the district’s student success incentive grant metrics may be based on the statewide average for all other community college districts.

(3) For purposes of computing the District’s apportionments funding, growth in enrollment for the district will be computed separately from the other California Community Colleges. It is the intent of the Legislature that apportionments for enrollment growth funding for the district be appropriated separately from apportionments enrollment growth funding appropriated in support of all other California Community Colleges.

(f) Of the funds appropriated in support of the college, no Proposition 98 General Fund moneys shall be used to support the state operations of the Chancellor’s Office.

(Added by Stats. 2018, Ch. 33, Sec. 18. (AB 1809) Effective June 27, 2018.)

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