Section 7490.

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Except as provided in Sections 6069, 10145, 10146, and 17766.5 of the Business and Professions Code, Sections 25134, 25241, 29535, and 31111 of the Corporations Code, Sections 12300.3, 14250, 14251, 14252, 14253, 14254, 14255, 14406, 14653, 17409, 18612, 18945, 18986, 22406, and 24406 of the Financial Code, Section 12586 of the Government Code, Sections 1351.1, 1352 and 1357 of the Health and Safety Code, Sections 904 and 1703 of the Insurance Code, Section 1092 of the Unemployment Insurance Code, and Section 11703.4 of the Vehicle Code, no waiver by a customer of any right or procedure hereunder shall be valid, whether oral or written, and whether with or without consideration.

(Amended by Stats. 1987, Ch. 764, Sec. 6.)

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