Section 74295.5.

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Notwithstanding any other law:

(a) All of the following shall be applicable to a student who is enrolled at El Camino College Compton Center six months before the change in control of that institution from the El Camino Community College District to the Compton Community College District:

(1) The Compton Community College District shall ensure that any student of El Camino College Compton Center who, by the end of the spring term immediately preceding the change in control of the institution, has completed at least 75 percent of the courses required for the degree or certificate that he or she is pursuing shall be able to complete that program at Compton College. The Compton Community College District shall make every reasonable effort to allow other students who have begun work toward a certificate or degree, but who have not completed 75 percent of the required coursework, to continue and complete their programs at Compton College.

(2) The Compton Community College District shall consider each student of El Camino College Compton Center who enrolls for classes at Compton College to be a continuing student for purposes of enrollment priorities.

(3) Regulations of the board of governors relating to minimum residence at a community college granting a degree shall not be applicable to these students.

(b) For academic years 2018–19 to 2021–22, inclusive, the Compton Community College District shall be exempt from subdivision (d) of Section 84362.

(Added by Stats. 2017, Ch. 757, Sec. 1. (AB 1299) Effective January 1, 2018.)

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