Section 74293.

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Notwithstanding any other provision of law:

(a) The partner district shall provide educational programs, as described in Section 74292, at the Compton Community Educational Center on the following terms:

(1) To the extent determined necessary by agreement between the Compton Community College District and the partner district, the Compton Community College District shall assign its current employees, or reemploy former employees, to provide educational or support services to students under the instructional services or other agreements described in Section 74292. The Compton Community College District has no obligation to assign or to reemploy persons who occupy or previously occupied administrative or supervisory positions to those positions. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person who provides services pursuant to this paragraph shall not be deemed to be an employee of the partner district or gain any status with the partner district for any purpose.

(2) Individuals providing educational or support services pursuant to paragraph (1) who serve as academic employees or educational administrators shall meet applicable minimum qualifications established by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges as well as any other job-related qualifications for service that are established by the partner district.

(3) The partner district shall have the primary right to direct activities under the contract or contracts in a manner that is consistent with the role of Compton Community College District as the employer of the individuals who are assigned duties under the agreements by the partner district. The partner district shall provide performance assessments to the special trustee appointed pursuant to Section 71093 regarding the services provided by employees of the Compton Community College District.

(b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the ability of the Compton Community College District to employ employees of any type or class as otherwise authorized by law as needed to provide necessary services.

(c) The Compton Community College District shall continue to be responsible for all retiree benefits that it offered its employees prior to the date of its loss of accreditation and for retirement and other benefits for its employees assigned to provide services pursuant to subdivision (a). The partner district shall have no responsibility for any retiree or other benefits for persons provided by the Compton Community College District to serve under instructional services or other agreements described in this article.

(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the ability of the partner district to assign its existing personnel to oversee or manage services provided under instructional services or other agreements described in Section 74292 or to employ employees of any type or class as otherwise authorized by law as needed to provide oversight and management of those services. Any person who provides services pursuant to this subdivision shall not be deemed to be an employee of the Compton Community College District or gain any status with that district for any purpose, and that person shall not lose any rights, benefits, or status that he or she had previously acquired with the partner district.

(e) Nothing in this article shall be construed to interfere with, or require any change in, the existing bargaining units and collective bargaining agreements of the Compton Community College District.

(f) All existing statutory due process protections for employees of the Compton Community College District shall remain in effect including, but not necessarily limited to, the provisions governing layoff or dismissal, acquisition of tenure, and all other provisions of the Education Code except as expressly provided in this article.

(g) Nothing in this article shall be construed to interfere with or preclude negotiations with employee organizations in either of the districts over the effects, if any, of the partner district’s operation of the Compton Community College District.

(Added by Stats. 2006, Ch. 50, Sec. 11. Effective June 30, 2006.)

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