Section 74281.

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If a dispute arises between the governing boards of the districts concerning the division of funds, property, or obligations, a board of arbitrators shall be appointed which shall resolve the dispute. The board shall consist of one person selected by the district from which the territory is withdrawn, one person selected by the district of which it has become a part, and a third person appointed by the county superintendent of schools having jurisdiction. If more than one county superintendent of schools has jurisdiction over the affected districts, county superintendents involved shall jointly appoint an arbitrator. The districts involved may mutually agree that the person appointed as arbitrator by the county superintendent of schools may act as sole arbitrator of the matters to be submitted to arbitration. The necessary expenses and compensation of the arbitrators shall be divided equally between the districts, and the payment of the portion of the expenses is a legal charge against the funds of the school districts. The arbitrator or arbitrators shall make a written finding on the matter submitted to arbitration. The written finding and determination of a majority of the board of arbitrators is final and binding upon the districts submitting the question to the board of arbitration.

(Added by Stats. 1982, Ch. 1214, Sec. 5. Effective September 22, 1982.)

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