Section 74135.

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(a) The county committee may add to the petition any appropriate provisions which were not included in the petition as filed and may amend any provision which was so included.

(b) At least 10 days before the public hearing on the petition, the county committee shall make available to the public, to the governing boards affected by the petition, and to the board of governors a description of the petition and a report which includes a description or analysis of the impact of the proposed change upon the following:

(1) Funding of each affected unified or high school and community college district, including determination of level and sources of local property or special taxes to be levied for general purposes of the recipient community college district.

The property tax contribution to the district shall not be less than the proportion that the tax levied in the 1977–78 fiscal year in the territory affected pursuant to former Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 2100) of Part 2 bore to the total property tax levied in that territory in the 1977–78 fiscal year.

Alternative sources of local tax contribution to the recipient district, as may be permitted by law, shall be included in the committee’s report.

(2) Existing property, obligations, and bonded indebtedness.

(3) Racial or ethnic composition of the recipient district.

(4) Governing board of recipient district.

(5) County district master plan.

(6) Any matter considered significant by the county committee.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1372, Sec. 382.)

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