Section 740.5.

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The department shall transmit a copy of such map, insofar as it relates to the land within a city, to the planning commission of the city or, if the city has not created a planning commission, to the governing body of the city.

The planning commission of such city or, if the city has not created a planning commission, the governing body of such city acting as a planning commission, shall thereafter notify the department of any application for a building permit for a building costing five thousand dollars ($5,000) or more in sufficient time to give the department an opportunity to purchase the right-of-way from such applicant.

The notices required to be given by the planning commission, or by the governing body acting as a planning commission, may be given by any other officer, board, commission, or department designated for that purpose by resolution of the governing body.

(Amended by Stats. 1975, Ch. 1245.)

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