Section 72675.

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(a) The board of directors of an auxiliary organization shall approve all expenditures and fund appropriations. Appropriations of funds for use outside of the normal business operations of the auxiliary organization shall be approved in accordance with district policy and regulations by an officer designated by the district governing board.

(b) The district governing board, in accordance with regulations of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, shall do all of the following:

(1) Institute a standard systemwide accounting and reporting system for businesslike management of the operation of these auxiliary organizations.

(2) Implement financial standards that will ensure the fiscal viability of these various auxiliary organizations. The standards shall include proper provision for professional management, adequate working capital, adequate reserve funds for current operations and capital replacements, and adequate provisions for new business requirements.

(3) Institute procedures to ensure that transactions of the auxiliary organizations are within the educational mission of the district.

(4) Develop policies for the appropriation of funds derived from indirect cost payments not required to implement paragraph (2). Uses of these funds shall be regularly reported to the district governing board.

(Amended by Stats. 2005, Ch. 654, Sec. 6. Effective October 7, 2005.)

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