Section 72674.

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Each auxiliary organization formed pursuant to this article, shall have a board of directors composed, both as to size and categories of membership, in accordance with regulations established by the district governing board.

Each board of directors shall, during each fiscal year, hold at least one business meeting each quarter. The board of directors shall have the benefit of the advice and counsel of at least one attorney admitted to practice law in this state and at least one licensed certified public accountant. Neither the attorney at law nor the certified public accountant need be members of the board of directors.

No auxiliary organization shall accept any grant, contract, bequest, trust, or gift, unless it is so conditioned that it may be used only for purposes consistent with policies of the district governing board.

Each board of directors of an auxiliary organization shall conduct its business in public meetings in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 54950) of Part 1 of the Government Code.

(Repealed and added by Stats. 1980, Ch. 858, Sec. 2. Effective August 31, 1980.)

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