Section 725.

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It is unlawful for any person to do any of the following acts:

(a) Drain water, or permit water to be drained, from his lands onto any State highway by any means which results in damage to the highway.

(b) Obstruct any natural water course so as to:

(1) Prevent, impede or restrict the natural flow of waters from any State highway into and through such water course, unless other adequate and proper drainage is provided.

(2) Cause waters to be impounded within any State highway, to the damage of the highway.

(3) Cause interference with, or damage or hazard to public travel.

(c) Store or distribute water for any purpose so as to permit it to overflow onto, to saturate by seepage, or to obstruct any State highway, to the damage of the highway.

(Enacted by Stats. 1935, Ch. 29.)

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