Section 72411.

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(a) Every educational administrator shall be employed, and all other administrators may be employed, by the governing board of the district by an appointment or contract of up to four years in duration. The governing board of a community college district, with the consent of the administrator concerned, may at any time terminate, effective on the next succeeding first day of July, the term of employment of, and any contract of employment with, the administrator of the district, and reemploy the administrator, on any terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon by the board and the administrator, for a new term to commence on the effective date of the termination of the existing term of employment.

(b) If the governing board of a district determines that an administrator is not to be reemployed by appointment or contract in his or her administrative position upon the expiration of his or her appointment or contract, the administrator shall be given written notice of this determination by the governing board. For an administrator employed by appointment or contract, the term of which is longer than one year, the notice shall be given at least six months in advance of the expiration of the appointment or contract unless the contract or appointment provides otherwise. For every other administrator, notice that the administrator may not be reemployed by appointment or contract in his or her administrative position for the following college year shall be given on or before March 15.

(c) If the governing board fails to reemploy an administrator by appointment or contract in his or her administrative position and the written notice provided for in this section has not been given, the administrator shall, unless the existing appointment or contract provides otherwise, be deemed to be reemployed for a term of the same duration as the one completed with all other terms and conditions remaining unchanged.

(d) Subdivisions (b) and (c) do not apply to any administrator who holds a position that is funded for less than a college year, is assigned to an acting position whose continuing right to hold the position depends on being selected for the position on a regular basis, is terminated pursuant to Section 87743, 88017, or 88127, or is dismissed for cause.

(Amended by Stats. 1991, Ch. 1038, Sec. 5. Effective October 14, 1991.)

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