Section 71093.

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Notwithstanding any other provision of law:

(a) The board of governors may authorize the chancellor to suspend the authority of the Board of Trustees of the Compton Community College District, or of any of the members of that board, to exercise any powers or responsibilities or to take any official actions with respect to the management of the district, including any of the district’s assets, contracts, expenditures, facilities, funds, personnel, or property. The board of governors may authorize suspension for a period up to five years from the effective date of Assembly Bill 318 of the 2005–06 Regular Session, plus a period lasting until the chancellor, the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team, the Director of Finance, and the Governor concur with the special trustee that the district has, for two consecutive academic years, met the requirements of the comprehensive assessment conducted, and the recovery plan prepared, pursuant to Section 41329.59.

(b) A suspension authorized by this section becomes effective immediately upon the delivery of a document to the administrative offices of the Compton Community College District that sets forth the finding of the chancellor that a suspension pursuant to this section is necessary for the establishment of fiscal integrity and security in that district.

(c) (1) If and when the chancellor suspends the authority of the Board of Trustees of the Compton Community College District or any of its members pursuant to this section, the chancellor may appoint a special trustee as provided in paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of Section 84040, at district expense, to manage the district. The chancellor is authorized to assume, and delegate to the special trustee, those powers and duties of the Board of Trustees of the Compton Community College District that the chancellor determines, with the approval of the board of governors, are necessary for the management of that district. The Board of Trustees of the Compton Community College District may not exercise any of the duties or powers assumed by the chancellor under this section.

(2) The chancellor may appoint as a special trustee under this section a person who has served in a similar capacity prior to the enactment of the act that adds this section. A special trustee appointed under this section shall serve at the pleasure of the chancellor.

(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in order to facilitate the appointment of the special trustee, the chancellor is exempt, for the purposes of this section, from the requirements of Article 6 (commencing with Section 999) of Chapter 6 of Division 4 of the Military and Veterans Code and Part 2 (commencing with Section 10100) of Division 2 of the Public Contract Code.

(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, at any time that this section is in effect, the chancellor is authorized to assume, and delegate to the special trustee, those powers and duties of the Compton Community College District Personnel Commission that the chancellor determines are necessary for the management of the personnel functions of the Compton Community College District. The personnel commission may not exercise any of the powers or duties assumed by the chancellor.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the special trustee has been a member of the State Teachers’ Retirement System or the Public Employees’ Retirement System at any time prior to appointment, he or she shall, for the period of service as special trustee, be a member of the system to which he or she belonged, unless the special trustee elects, in writing, not to be a member. If the special trustee chooses to be a member, the special trustee shall be placed on the payroll of the district, or the payroll of another local education agency or other entity with which the district has an exchange agreement pursuant to Section 87422 or other applicable provisions of law, for the purpose of providing appropriate contributions to the applicable retirement system.

(f) The special trustee appointed pursuant to this section is authorized to do all of the following:

(1) Implement substantial changes in the fiscal policies and practices of the Compton Community College District.

(2) Revise the academic program of the Compton Community College District to reflect realistic income projections in response to the dramatic effect of the changes in fiscal policies and practices upon program quality.

(3) Encourage all members of the college community to accept a fair share of the burden of the full recovery of the Compton Community College District in the five operational areas of finance, academics, personnel facilities, and governance.

(4) Enter into agreements on behalf of the Compton Community College District and, subject to any contractual and statutory obligation of the Compton Community College District, change any existing district rules, regulations, policies, or practices as necessary for the effective implementation of the recovery plan. Any agreement authorized by this section shall be binding upon the district for the term of the agreement, notwithstanding the removal of the special trustee for any reason or the reinstatement of any powers or responsibilities of the board of trustees. No agreement authorized by this paragraph shall materially impair the security and other interests of the holders of any bonds issued pursuant to Article 9 (commencing with Section 63049.67) of Chapter 2 of Division 1 of Title 6.7 of the Government Code.

(5) Appoint an advisory committee to advise the special trustee with respect to the management of the Compton Community College District and the establishment and implementation of the arrangements for provision of services by a partner district pursuant to Article 5 (commencing with Section 74292) of Chapter 5 of Part 46. This advisory committee may include residents of the communities served by the Compton Community College District, and any outside experts deemed appropriate by the special trustee. No member of the advisory committee shall receive any compensation or benefits for his or her services as a member of the advisory committee.

(g) In the event of a vacancy in the special trustee position, the chancellor shall temporarily assume all of the powers and duties of the special trustee until another special trustee can be appointed pursuant to this section.

(Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 349, Sec. 9. (SB 940) Effective January 1, 2012.)

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