Section 706.5.

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In connection with the construction of State Highway Route 86 in Imperial County from Post Miles 58.4 to Post Miles 65.1 and the relocation of facilities of the Coachella Valley Water District necessitated by that project, the department may make a loan, for a term not exceeding 20 years, to the district for the relocation costs incurred, and to be incurred, by the district as a result of that project. The loan shall be subject to the terms and conditions that are mutually agreed upon, but shall require the district, in addition to making periodic payments on the loan, to annually pay to the department an amount at least equal to the sum of the pipeline portion of all development fees collected by the district during the preceding year in the service area served by the transverse waterline crossing of State Highway Route 86, less the district’s administrative and collection costs. The amounts so paid shall be deducted from the outstanding balance of the loan, and the remaining term of the loan correspondingly reduced.

(Added by Stats. 1988, Ch. 705, Sec. 1.)

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