(a) In Sonoma County, for the 1987–88 fiscal year each regular official reporter shall be paid an annual salary of thirty-seven thousand seven hundred forty dollars ($37,740), which salary shall include payment for services in reporting all proceedings in the superior court, before the grand jury and the coroner. In order that the salary provided for in this section shall remain equitable and competitive, the salary provided for in this section shall be adjusted and increased by the same, general across-the-board salary adjustment enacted by the county in the salary ordinance for other unrepresented employees.
(b) Reporters pro tempore serving in the superior and municipal courts shall receive a per diem equal to 90 percent of the gross hourly wage of a regular official superior court reporter, exclusive of benefits, for each full day, and one-half the per diem rate for each half day, when actually on duty under order of the court, and shall receive from the county their necessary traveling and other expenses when necessarily called from other counties.
(c) Regular official reporters shall be entitled to the same privileges with respect to retirement, vacation, sick leave and other benefits allowed to employees in the clerical nonsupervisory representation unit of the county.
(Amended by Stats. 1992, Ch. 696, Sec. 46. Effective September 15, 1992.)