Section 69643.

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(a) There is in the state government the Advisory Committee on Extended Opportunity Programs and Services. It shall be comprised of nine members appointed by the board, two members appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly and two members appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules. The nine members appointed by the board shall serve for four-year terms, except the first term of each shall be determined by lot at the first meeting of the board. Three shall serve for four years, three shall serve for three years, and three shall serve for two years. The two members appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly and the two members appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules shall serve at the pleasure of the respective appointing powers.

(b) The chairperson and vice chairperson of the committee shall be designated by the board.

(c) The members of the committee shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for necessary traveling and other expenses incurred in performing their duties and responsibilities.

(d) The committee shall serve as an advisory body to the board, shall formulate and present policy recommendations as it determines will effect statewide establishment and conduct of community college programs of extended opportunities and services, shall review annually and report to the board the progress made under this article with the California Community Colleges toward the extension of educational opportunities for all students who may profit from instruction, and make other recommendations to implement this article. The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall be executive secretary of the committee, shall report to the board on the actions of the committee, and, at the recommendation of the committee and its direction, shall make recommendations to the board pursuant to this article.

(e) All meetings of the committee shall be open and public, and all persons shall be permitted to attend any meeting of the committee.

(Amended by Stats. 1991, Ch. 1038, Sec. 1. Effective October 14, 1991.)

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