Section 670.1.

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(a) The department may issue a permit to the owner or developer of property adjacent to or near a state highway to construct, alter, repair, or improve any portion of the highway for the purpose of improving local traffic access, if the improvements to the highway are required as part of, or as a condition to, the development of property and the improvements are accepted by the department.

(b) The permit may be issued only if the work within the highway right-of-way is to be performed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the department and the department reserves the right to inspect and accept the work as complying with the approved plans and specifications.

(c) All road, bridge, street lighting, or installation of signal work performed under a permit issued pursuant to this section for acceptance into the state highway system, except work performed solely to allow private encroachments onto the state highway or for utility or drainage encroachments within the state highway, are public works for purposes of Part 7 (commencing with Section 1720) of Division 2 of the Labor Code.

(Added by Stats. 1988, Ch. 1106, Sec. 5.)

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