Section 6598.

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The certificate of the elections official to nomination papers of a candidate or group of candidates shall be in substantially the following form:

Certificate of County Elections Official to Nomination
Papers of Candidate or Group of Candidates

To the Secretary of State:
I, County Elections Official of the County of ________, hereby certify that I have examined the nomination papers, to which this certificate is attached, of the candidate or group of candidates for election at the ensuing presidential primary, and that the number of names which I have not marked “not sufficient” is __________.
The candidate or group of candidates named in the nomination papers comprise the following (state names of candidates):




Dated this ________ day of ________, 20___.



County Elections Official

By Deputy

(Amended by Stats. 2018, Ch. 58, Sec. 7. (AB 3259) Effective January 1, 2019.)

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