(a) With respect to Section 5907, all appropriations for the purposes of subdivision (a), paragraph (2) of subdivision (b), paragraph (1) of subdivision (d), and paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4) of subdivision (e) for the program shall be included in a section of the Budget Bill for the 1989–90 fiscal year and each succeeding fiscal year for consideration by the Legislature and shall bear the caption “California Wildlife, Coastal, and Park Land Conservation Program.” The section shall contain separate items for each project, each class of project, or each element of the program for which an appropriation is made.
(b) All appropriations specified in subdivision (a) are subject to all limitations enacted in the Budget Act and to all fiscal procedures prescribed by law with respect to the expenditure of state funds unless expressly exempted from those laws by a statute enacted by the Legislature. The Budget Act shall contain proposed appropriations only for the program elements and classes of projects contemplated by this division, and no funds derived from the bonds authorized by law for the purposes of this division may be expended pursuant to an appropriation not contained in those sections of the Budget Act.
(c) All funds not described in subdivision (a) are appropriated directly to the state or local agency which is to administer them. These funds are not subject to appropriation by the Legislature except as provided in Section 5922.
(Added June 7, 1988, by initiative Proposition 70.)