Section 54402.

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For purposes of this chapter, a “disadvantaged minor” is a minor who is potentially academically able but scholastically underachieving, and must compensate for inability to profit from the normal educational program. He is a minor who:

(a) Is three years of age or more, but under 18 years of age and has not graduated from high school.

(b) Is potentially capable of successfully completing a regular educational program leading to graduation from the elementary or secondary school in which he is enrolled or required to be enrolled.

(c) Is, because of home and community environment, subject to such language, cultural, economic, and like disadvantages as will make improbable his completion of the regular program leading to graduation without special efforts on the part of school authorities, over, above, and, in addition to those involved in providing the regular educational programs, directed to the positive stimulation of his potential.

(Enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010.)

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