Section 5420.

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The cost of any school district or community college district election may include, but need not be limited to:

(a) Compensation of precinct election officers.

(b) Publication of notices.

(c) The cost of printing official ballots, sample ballots, indexes, arguments, statements, official notices, and card notices.

(d) Mailing charges for card notices, arguments, recommendations, statements, and sample ballots.

(e) Forms for rosters, tally sheets, certificates, envelopes, declaration of results forms, and legal forms required for bond elections.

(f) Precinct maps.

(g) The actual cost of supplies such as flags, ballot boxes, chairs and tables, booths, ink pads and stamps, and pencils; provided, that if any such can be borrowed from any state or county office, no charge for rental shall be included in the cost of elections.

(Enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010.)

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