Section 5343.

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If any school district election or community college district election is completely or partially consolidated with any other election, the notice of election need not set forth the precincts, place or places of holding the election, or the names of the officers appointed to conduct the election, but may instead state that the precincts, place or places of holding the elections and officers appointed to conduct the election shall be the same as those provided for such other election within the territory affected by the consolidation and set forth in the ordinance, order, resolution, or notice calling, providing for or giving notice of such other election, and reference shall be made to such ordinance, order, resolution, or notice by number and title or date of adoption, or by date or proposed date of publication and the name of the newspaper in which publication has been or will be made, or by any other definite description, except that no such reference need be made if the election is completely or partially consolidated with a statewide election.

(Enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010.)

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