Section 53398.60.

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(a) The legislative body shall direct the city official or county official, as applicable, selected by the legislative body, to mail a copy of the resolution of intention to create the district to each owner of land within the district.

(b) As an alternative to mailing a copy of the resolution of intention pursuant to subdivision (a), the legislative body may direct the city official or county official, as applicable, selected by the legislative body, to mail a single-page notice of intention to create the district to each owner of land within the district. For purposes of this section, the notice of intention shall indicate the physical location or Internet Web site where documents related to the district, including the resolution of intention, will be made available for public viewing or inspection. The notice of intention shall also state the date of the public hearing on the proposal and include a brief description of the types of public facilities to be financed by the district.

(Amended by Stats. 2018, Ch. 467, Sec. 60. (SB 1498) Effective January 1, 2019.)

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