Section 53398.54.

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A city or county that created a redevelopment agency, as defined in Section 33003 of the Health and Safety Code, shall neither initiate the creation of a district, nor participate in the governance or financing of a district, until each of the following has occurred:

(a) The successor agency for the former redevelopment agency created by the city or county has received a finding of completion, as specified in Section 34179.7 of the Health and Safety Code.

(b) The city or county certifies to the Department of Finance and to the public financing authority that no former redevelopment agency assets that are the subject of litigation involving the state, where the city or county, the successor agency, or the designated local authority are a named plaintiff, have been or will be used to benefit any efforts of an enhanced infrastructure financing district formed under this chapter, unless the litigation and all possible appeals have been resolved in a court of law. The city or county shall provide this certification to the Department of Finance within 10 days of its legislative body’s action to participate in an enhanced infrastructure financing district pursuant to Section 53398.68, or of its legislative body’s action to form an enhanced infrastructure financing district pursuant to Section 53398.69.

(c) The office of the Controller has completed its review as specified in Section 34167.5 of the Health and Safety Code.

(d) The successor agency and the entity that created the former redevelopment agency have complied with all of the office of the Controller’s findings and orders stemming from the reviews as specified in subdivision (c).

(Added by Stats. 2014, Ch. 785, Sec. 1. (SB 628) Effective January 1, 2015.)

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