Section 53191.5.

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The obligations of the local agency arising from the reimbursement agreement shall be secured by a pledge of the revenues arising from the contingent or noncontingent assessments or levies made pursuant to a financing act levied within the integrated financing district. The general fund of the local agency is not liable for the payment of any obligations arising from the reimbursement agreement and the credit or taxing power of the local agency shall not be pledged for the payment of any obligations arising from the agreement except pursuant to the financing act. The investor may not compel the exercise of the taxing power of the local agency or the forfeiture of any of its property to satisfy any obligations arising from the agreement. However, notwithstanding these provisions, the local agency is financially responsible for the revenues which are collected pursuant to a contingent or noncontingent assessment or levy made pursuant to a financing act, or which ought to have been collected by the legislative body, or its designated representative, pursuant to a reimbursement agreement.

(Added by Stats. 1986, Ch. 1512, Sec. 1.)

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