Section 5204.

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Proceedings pursuant to Section 5203 may be conducted in conjunction with proceedings under Article 1 (commencing with Section 5000) of Chapter 1 of this part, including proceedings by the county committee on school district organization to establish trustee areas or to increase the number of members of the governing board of the school district or community college district from five to seven members, or both. In the event that the number of members of the governing board of the school district is so increased from five to seven members, the terms of office of the board members who take office at the expiration of the terms of office of the board members appointed by the county superintendent of schools shall be determined by lot. The terms of office of the majority of members of the board shall expire on the first Friday in December of the second succeeding odd-numbered year, and the terms of the other members shall expire on the first Friday in December of the first succeeding odd-numbered year. All subsequent members shall serve for four-year terms.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1161, Sec. 9. Effective September 21, 1990.)

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