Section 5201.

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A school district, or community college district a portion of which is embraced within the limits of any city governed by a charter proposed and adopted as provided by Section 5 of Article XI of the California Constitution, may be subject to, controlled, and governed by the provisions of the charter relating to and providing for the management of public schools in the manner hereinafter in this article provided, upon approval of a majority of the electors of the districts voting at a regular biennial school district governing board member election.

The governing board of any such district may, in the resolution specifying the order of any such regular governing board member election, require that the question of whether the district shall be governed by the provisions of the charter be submitted to the voters of the district.

If the governing board so requires, the ballots used at the election shall contain the words “Shall the (name of district) be governed by the charter of the City of ____?” and the words “Yes” and “No” so placed that the voters may clearly indicate their choice in this connection.

If it appears from the returns that a majority of the votes cast on the proposition is in favor of the proposal, then the county superintendent of schools having jurisdiction shall certify the result to the board of education provided for in the charter of the city. From and after the date of the certificate the district shall be governed by the provisions of the charter relating to the establishment, management, and control of the public schools, and all of the qualified electors residing in the district, whether residing within or without the boundaries of the city, shall be entitled to vote for members of the board of education at any election held for that purpose.

(Enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010.)

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