Section 51231.

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(a) For the purposes of this chapter, the board or council, by resolution, shall adopt rules governing the administration of agricultural preserves, including procedures for initiating, filing, and processing requests to establish agricultural preserves. Rules related to compatible uses shall be consistent with the provisions of Section 51238.1. Those rules shall be applied uniformly throughout the preserve. The board or council may require the payment of a reasonable application fee. The same procedure that is required to establish an agricultural preserve shall be used to disestablish or to enlarge or diminish the size of an agricultural preserve. In adopting rules related to compatible uses, the board or council may enumerate those uses, including agricultural laborer housing, that are to be considered to be compatible uses on contracted lands separately from those uses that are to be considered to be compatible uses on lands not under contract within the agricultural preserve.

(b) The rules adopted pursuant to this section may provide that commercial cultivation of cannabis in accordance with Division 10 (commencing with Section 26000) of the Business and Professions Code may constitute a compatible use on contracted or noncontracted lands.

(Amended by Stats. 2019, Ch. 273, Sec. 2. (SB 527) Effective January 1, 2020.)

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