Section 51112.

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(a) On or before March 1, 1977, the board or council by ordinance, after the advice of the planning commission pursuant to Section 51110.2, and after public hearing, shall zone as timberland production all parcels appearing on list A submitted by the assessor pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 51110 which are not designated as “contest,” unless it finds by a majority vote of the full body that a parcel or parcels are not devoted to and used for growing and harvesting timber or for growing and harvesting timber and compatible uses.

The basis for such a finding is limited to either of the following:

(1) The parcel is not in fact capable of growing an average annual volume of wood fiber of at least 15 cubic feet per acre;

(2) The use of the parcel has changed subsequent to the lien date in 1976, and that such use no longer meets the definition of timberland, or of compatible uses as defined and as adopted by the board or council pursuant to Section 51111.

(b) On or before March 1, 1977, the board or council by ordinance, after the advice of the planning commission pursuant to Section 51110.2, and after public hearing, shall zone as timberland production all parcels appearing on list A which are designated as “contested” pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 51110, except those parcels which it finds by a majority vote of the full body to be in the public interest to exclude from such a zone.

(c) On or before March 1, 1978, the board or council by ordinance, after the advice of the planning commission pursuant to Section 51110.2, and after public hearing, shall zone as timberland production all parcels appearing on list B submitted by the assessor pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 51110.1, except those parcels which it finds by a majority vote of the full body to be in the public interest to exclude from such a zone.

(d) On parcels excluded from the timberland production zone under this section, the board or council shall apply an alternate zone which is in conformance with the county general plan and whose primary use is other than timberland, if no such appropriate zone currently applies to such parcels.

(e) The owner of the land shall be given written notice at least 20 days prior to the hearing of the board or council, and notice of hearing shall be published pursuant to Section 6061 of this code, and shall include a legal description, or the assessor’s parcel number, of the land which is proposed to be included within the timberland production zone.

(Amended by Stats. 1984, Ch. 678, Sec. 3.)

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