Section 50402.

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(a) A city, county, or city and county owning property or leasing property which is devoted to park, amusement, or recreational purposes may make a charge for use or services provided therein in the amount as may be provided by resolution by the governing body. No charge shall be imposed which exceeds the cost of the service provided. To the extent feasible, charges for similar uses or services imposed by a governing body pursuant to this section shall be uniform throughout its area of jurisdiction.

(b) On and after January 1, 1984, any new charge or any increase resulting in a charge, for the use of any property which was acquired or developed with a local assistance grant of funds from any state park bond act and is devoted to a purpose specified in subdivision (a), in excess of 125 percent of those fees charged by the Department of Parks and Recreation for the use of similar state facilities, shall not be imposed until it has been reviewed and approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation. Prior to approving the new charge or an increase in a charge, the director shall first find that the charge or increase is reasonable and necessary.

(c) The city, county, or city and county may, by resolution of the governing body, control, regulate, restrict, or close road entrances under its jurisdiction to these areas for the purpose of facilitating collection of these charges.

(Amended by Stats. 1983, Ch. 1298, Sec. 1. Effective September 30, 1983.)

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