Section 5018.

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Any elementary school district having a governing board of three members may, and any elementary school district having a governing board of three members whose average daily attendance during the preceding fiscal year was 300 or more shall do either of the following:

(a) By its own action determine that the number of members of the governing board shall be increased to five, in which case two additional members shall be elected at an upcoming established election date, as specified in Section 1000 of the Elections Code, determined by the board.

(b) Request the county superintendent of schools having jurisdiction to submit the question of whether the number of members of the governing board shall be increased to five to the voters of the elementary school district at an upcoming established election date, as specified in Section 1000 of the Elections Code, determined by the county superintendent of schools. At the same election, two additional members shall be elected to take office if the number of governing board members is increased.

Candidates for the two additional offices shall state in the declarations of candidacy filed for the election that the candidates are candidates for the two additional offices separately from the other offices to be filled in the election and shall clearly indicate to the voters that they may vote for two of the candidates to take office if the voters approve the proposed increase in the number of board members.

If the voters at the election do not approve the increase in membership of the governing board, the same question may be submitted to the voters at subsequent governing board member elections. Requests to the county superintendent to submit the question to the voters of a district shall be filed with him or her by the governing board of the district no later than 100 days prior to the election.

If, pursuant to either subdivision (a) or subdivision (b), two additional governing board members are authorized and elected, the one receiving the higher number of votes shall hold office for a term commencing the first day of the month following the election until the first Friday in December in the second succeeding year following the election in which a regular governing board election is held, and the other one shall hold office for a term commencing the first day of the month following the election until the first Friday in December in the first succeeding year following the election in which a regular governing board election is held. Thereafter the governing board shall be composed of five members elected in the same manner and for the same term as governing boards having five members.

(Amended by Stats. 2006, Ch. 588, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2007.)

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