Section 5009.

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The governing board of any school district or community college district having trustee areas and which elects more than one member from any of such trustee areas may, by resolution, provide for the staggering of terms of members elected from any of such multiple-member trustee areas.

The resolution shall provide that at the initial election after adoption of the resolution, one or more members elected from a trustee area will be elected for two-year terms and that one or more members elected from such trustee area will be elected for four-year terms, and that thereafter all members elected from such trustee area will be elected for four-year terms. Immediately after the initial election, the newly elected members from such trustee area shall draw lots to determine which of the members shall serve a two-year term and which of the members shall serve a four-year term.

(Enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010.)

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