Section 4045.

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If, after a careful survey, investigation and examination, the commission reports to the board of supervisors that the improvement, development or protection of the harbor is not practicable, or would involve too great an expense, and if the report is approved by the board, the harbor commission shall cease to exist.

If the proposition for the issuance of the bonds of the county for the improvement, development, or protection of the harbor, when submitted to the electors, fails to carry by the requisite number of votes, or when any proposed improvement, development or protection of the harbor is completed, and that fact is established by a finding of the board, the harbor commission shall cease to exist, unless the board shall, by an order entered upon its minutes continue the commission in existence for the purpose of carrying out any additional improvement, development or protection of the harbor, bay, inlet, or other arm of the sea.

(Enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 368.)

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