Section 27510.

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(a) A person licensed under Sections 26700 to 26915, inclusive, shall not sell, supply, deliver, or give possession or control of a firearm to any person who is under 21 years of age.

(b) (1) Subdivision (a) does not apply to or affect the sale, supplying, delivery, or giving possession or control of a firearm that is not a handgun or a semiautomatic centerfire rifle to a person 18 years of age or older who possesses a valid, unexpired hunting license issued by the Department of Fish and Wildlife.

(2) Subdivision (a) does not apply to or affect the sale, supplying, delivery, or giving possession or control of a firearm that is not a handgun or a semiautomatic centerfire rifle to a person who is 18 years of age or older and provides proper identification of being an honorably discharged member of the United States Armed Forces, the National Guard, the Air National Guard, or the active reserve components of the United States. For purposes of this subparagraph, proper identification includes an Armed Forces Identification Card or other written documentation certifying that the individual is an honorably discharged member

(3) Subdivision (a) does not apply to or affect the sale, supplying, delivery, or giving possession or control of a firearm that is not a handgun to any of the following persons who are 18 years of age or older:

(A) An active peace officer, as described in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2, who is authorized to carry a firearm in the course and scope of employment.

(B) An active federal officer or law enforcement agent who is authorized to carry a firearm in the course and scope of employment.

(C) A reserve peace officer, as defined in Section 832.6, who is authorized to carry a firearm in the course and scope of employment as a reserve peace officer.

(D) A person who provides proper identification of active membership in the United States Armed Forces, the National Guard, the Air National Guard, or active reserve components of the United States. For purposes of this subparagraph, proper identification includes an Armed Forces Identification Card or other written documentation certifying that the individual is an active member.

(Amended by Stats. 2019, Ch. 737, Sec. 3. (SB 61) Effective January 1, 2020.)

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