Section 26900.

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(a) A licensee shall maintain and make available for inspection during business hours to any peace officer, authorized local law enforcement employee, or Department of Justice employee designated by the Attorney General, upon the presentation of proper identification, a firearm transaction record, as defined in Section 16550.

(b) A licensee shall be in compliance with the provisions of subdivision (a) if the licensee maintains and makes available for inspection during business hours to any peace officer, authorized local law enforcement employee, or Department of Justice employee designated by the Attorney General, upon the presentation of proper identification, the bound book containing the same information referred to in Section 478.124a and subdivision (e) of Section 478.125 of Title 27 of the Code of Federal Regulations and the records referred to in subdivision (a) of Section 478.124 of Title 27 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

(Added by Stats. 2010, Ch. 711, Sec. 6. (SB 1080) Effective January 1, 2011. Operative January 1, 2012, by Sec. 10 of Ch. 711.)

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