Section 2600.

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Every county superintendent shall inquire and ascertain whether the boundaries of the school districts and community college districts in his county are definitely and plainly described in the records of the board of supervisors and keep in his office a full and correct transcript of the boundaries.

If the boundaries of districts are conflicting or incorrectly described, or if, by reason of the resubdivision of land or other change of property lines, the location of the boundaries becomes indefinite or conflicts with lines of assessment, the board of supervisors may correct and relocate the boundaries to follow definite, established property lines, conforming as nearly as practicable to the general location of the former boundaries.

Where boundary lines are corrected or relocated, the relocation of the new lines shall be made in such a manner that the majority of the area of the parcel or property affected determines the district in which the parcel or property is located. Nothing herein contained authorizes the board of supervisors, in relocating the boundaries, to substantially alter the former boundaries of school districts, or community college districts.

(Enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010.)

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