Every person permitting another person to operate an aircraft under the terms of any rental agreement or lease which provides for any remuneration for the use of such aircraft shall deliver either of the following to the person renting the aircraft:
(a) A written certification that an aircraft liability policy of insurance exists for the operator thereof, specifying the name of the insurance company providing such coverage, the policy number, the expiration date of such policy, the nature and extent of coverage, and a statement that such coverage complies with the financial responsibility laws of California applicable to the operation of an aircraft. Such certification shall be furnished and signed, by facsimile or otherwise, by a California licensed insurance agent, broker, or insurance carrier. The person delivering the written authorization provided for herein shall certify as to the accuracy thereof as of the date of delivery.
(b) A written statement that no insurance coverage exists for the operator of the aircraft. Such statement shall be delivered to the person renting the aircraft prior to entering into any binding rental agreement and shall substantially conform to the following text:
“You are hereby notified that no insurance coverage is being provided to cover your liability for bodily injury and property damage you may cause as an operator of any aircraft covered by our rental agreement.
“You are further notified that the Uniform Aircraft Financial Responsibility Act (Part 5 (commencing with Section 24230) of Division 9 of the Public Utilities Code) requires that you be able to post security in an amount up to $50,000 because of bodily injury or death to one person in any one accident, up to $100,000 because of bodily injury or death to two or more persons in any one accident, and up to $50,000 in the event of damage to or destruction of property.
“Failure to furnish sufficient security or failure to furnish evidence of proof of ability to respond in damages as required under Section 24325 and Section 24360 of the Public Utilities Code is a misdemeanor.”
(c) No insurance agent, broker, or insurance carrier shall have any liability as a result of the failure to deliver the certificate specified in paragraph (a).
(Added by Stats. 1973, Ch. 1164.)