Section 22957.

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(a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that the provisions of Section 22950.5 do not constitute a new functional responsibility for schools and community colleges pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 41204, and do not require an adjustment pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 8 of Article XVI of the California Constitution. The Legislature further finds and declares that the provisions of Section 22950.5 do not constitute a reimbursable mandate for school districts pursuant to Article XIII B of the California Constitution. Any challenge to these findings shall be filed in Sacramento Superior Court within 60 days of the effective date of the act adding this section. Any action so filed shall be consolidated with any action filed pursuant to Section 22958.

(b) On or before June 1 of each year, the Director of Finance shall determine if an adjustment to the constitutional minimum guarantee of funding for schools shall be made pursuant to a final, unappealable judicial decision holding that the increased contributions in Section 22950.5 constitute a new functional responsibility for schools and community colleges, pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 41204, or any other final, unappealable, judicial decision holding that the increased contributions in Section 22950.5 require an adjustment in funding provided to schools and community colleges pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 8 of Article XVI of the California Constitution. If the Director of Finance estimates that an adjustment will require increased General Fund expenditures of more than ten million dollars ($10,000,000), then the determination described in this subdivision shall be considered to have been met. This estimate shall be calculated solely within the discretion of the Director of Finance.

(c) On or before June 1 of each year, the Director of Finance shall determine if any amounts are needed to fund school districts or other local governments due to a final unappealable administrative or judicial decision holding that the increased contributions in Section 22950.5 constitute a reimbursable mandate pursuant to Article XIII B of the California Constitution. If the Director of Finance estimates that the cost of the mandate is more than ten million dollars ($10,000,000), then the determination described in this subdivision shall be considered to have been met. This estimate shall be solely within the discretion of the Director of Finance, and the director need not wait for a final cost estimate, nor any other administrative determination, from the Commission of State Mandates prior to making this determination.

(d) If, before June 1 of each year, the Director of Finance determines that the determinations described in subdivisions (b) or (c) have been met, then the Director of Finance shall immediately notify, in writing, the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the Controller of this determination.

(Added by Stats. 2014, Ch. 47, Sec. 11. (AB 1469) Effective June 24, 2014. Adding action may become inoperative under conditions prescribed by Stats. 2014, Ch. 47, Sec. 13, subd. (b).)

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