Section 216.5.

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(a) The department shall construct at least one demonstration noise attenuation barrier fabricated from rice straw upon meeting the conditions and requirements of this section.

(b) Prior to construction of the barrier specified in subdivision (a), the department shall identify an appropriate location, and shall develop separate cost estimates for constructing a barrier at that location using a standard noise attenuation barrier design and constructing the barrier using the rice straw design.

(c) If a noise barrier system fabricated from rice straw appears on the department’s list of approved noise barrier systems, the department shall, within one year, identify a suitable regularly programmed transportation project that includes a noise barrier element for construction of the demonstration noise barrier system. In making its project selection, the department shall consider projected completion schedules for potential candidate projects with the intent of completing the demonstration project expeditiously.

(d) The department shall not be required to construct the rice straw barrier specified in subdivision (a) until all the following have occurred:

(1) A noise barrier system fabricated from rice straw is approved by the department and appears on the department’s list of approved noise barrier systems.

(2) Funding has been secured and made available by the manufacturer of the selected rice straw system to offset any additional costs incurred by the department in using the rice straw barrier design based on the cost estimates prepared pursuant to subdivision (b).

(3) A location has been identified for construction of the rice straw barrier system that meets safety, environmental, and related project requirements, and sufficient funding has been programmed and is available for construction of the barrier based on the cost estimate for the standard noise barrier design.

(e) The department may select any approved rice straw barrier system for use in the demonstration project as long as the manufacturer of the selected system secures and provides the required funding specified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (d). If no manufacturer of an approved rice straw barrier system provides the required funding, the department shall not be required to complete the demonstration project.

(f) The department shall, on or before January 1, 2005, transmit to the Legislature a report regarding the implementation of this section.

(Amended by Stats. 2003, Ch. 62, Sec. 294. Effective January 1, 2004.)

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