Section 2106.

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Except as provided in subdivision (d) of Section 2105, Section 2110, or absent good cause as provided in Section 2107, judgment shall not be entered with respect to the parties’ property rights without each party, or the attorney for that party in this matter, having executed and served a copy of the final declaration of disclosure and current income and expense declaration. Each party, or the party’s attorney, shall execute and file with the court a declaration signed under penalty of perjury stating that service of the final declaration of disclosure and current income and expense declaration was made on the other party or that service of the final declaration of disclosure has been waived pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 2105 or in Section 2110.

(Amended by Stats. 2019, Ch. 115, Sec. 20. (AB 1817) Effective January 1, 2020.)

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