Section 21002.

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The purpose of this part is to further and protect the public interest in aeronautics and aeronautical progress by the following means:

(a) Encouraging the development of private flying and the general use of air transportation.

(b) Fostering and promoting safety in aeronautics.

(c) Effecting uniformity of the laws and regulations relating to aeronautics consistent with federal aeronautics laws and regulations.

(d) Granting to a state agency powers, and imposing upon it duties, so that the state may properly perform its functions relative to aeronautics and effectively exercise its jurisdiction over persons and property, assist in the development of a statewide system of airports, encourage the flow of private capital into aviation facilities, and cooperate with and assist political subdivisions and others engaged in aeronautics in the development and encouragement of aeronautics.

(e) Establishing only those regulations which are essential and clearly within the scope of the authority granted by the Legislature, in order that persons may engage in every phase of aeronautics with the least possible restriction consistent with the safety and the rights of others.

(f) Providing for cooperation with the federal authorities in the development of a national system of civil aviation and for coordination of the aeronautical activities of those authorities and the authorities of this state.

(g) Assuring that persons residing in the vicinity of airports are protected to the greatest possible extent against intrusions by unreasonable levels of aircraft noise.

(h) Fostering and promoting the development of a stable and efficient regional air carrier system to provide access for small and rural communities to the national air transportation system consistent with federal policies favoring deregulation.

(i) Developing, in cooperation with the private sector, airport management, local jurisdictions, federal authorities, and the general public, informational programs to increase the understanding of current air transportation issues including, but not limited to, aviation safety, planning, airport noise, airport development and management, and the role of aviation in the economic development of the state, as an integral part of the state’s transportation system.

(j) Sponsoring or cosponsoring, with representatives of the aerospace and aviation industry, aviation educational and informational seminars which meet the needs of pilots and other members of the industry for current information on aviation safety, planning, and airport development and management.

(Amended by Stats. 1984, Ch. 850, Sec. 1.)

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