Section 2074.

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(a) At any hearing on a motion to set aside or modify an order pursuant to Section 2073, any party may present further evidence on any issue relating to the rights of the parties under the employee benefit plan or the extent of the parties’ community or quasi-community property interest in the plan, except where the parties have agreed in writing to the contrary.

(b) Any statement of decision issued by the court with respect to the order which is the subject of the motion shall take account of the evidence referred to in subdivision (a).

(c) If the provisions of the order affecting the employee benefit plan are modified or set aside, the court, on motion by either party, may set aside or modify other provisions of the order and associated orders or judgments related to or affected by the provisions affecting the plan.

(Amended by Stats. 1994, Ch. 1269, Sec. 23. Effective January 1, 1995.)

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