Section 20026.

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(a) It is estimated that under the pilot project authorized by this chapter, approximately 2,200 litigants will be served annually and that the following savings will occur:

(1) The program would save 520 hours, or 65 days, of court time per year.

(2) There would be a concomitant saving of time by litigants due to the expedited proceedings and, in addition, there would be a saving to litigants of wages that would otherwise be lost due to time off from work.

(b) The estimated costs of the pilot project are as follows:

(1) The salaries of the Family Law Evaluator and any staff necessary for the evaluator to carry out the evaluator’s functions.

(2) The cost of a booklet, if any, describing the program.

(c) There would be no cost for the following:

(1) Computers, printers, or other equipment. This equipment is already available in the family law department.

(2) Training for the Family Law Evaluator or the evaluator’s staff. They will be trained by already existing judicial personnel.

(Amended by Stats. 2019, Ch. 115, Sec. 168. (AB 1817) Effective January 1, 2020.)

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