Section 20012.

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The court shall appoint a Family Law Evaluator, who shall be available to assist parties. By local rule the superior court may designate the duties of the Family Law Evaluator, which may include, but are not limited to, the following:

(a) Requiring litigants in actions which involve temporary child support, temporary spousal support, and temporary maintenance of health insurance in which at least one litigant is unrepresented, to meet with the Family Law Evaluator prior to the support hearing.

(b) Preparing support schedules based on standardized formulae accessed through existing up-to-date computer technology.

(c) Drafting stipulations to include all issues agreed to by the parties.

(d) Prior to, or at, any hearing pursuant to this chapter, reviewing the paperwork by the court, advising the judge whether or not the matter is ready to proceed, and making a recommendation to the court regarding child support, spousal support, and health insurance.

(e) Assisting the clerk in maintaining records.

(f) Preparing a formal order consistent with the court’s announced oral order, unless one of the parties is represented by an attorney.

(g) Assisting the court with research and any other responsibilities which will enable the court to be responsive to the litigants’ needs.

(Added by Stats. 1993, Ch. 219, Sec. 210. Effective January 1, 1994.)

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