Section 1981.5.

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(a) A pupil who is involuntarily enrolled in a county community school pursuant to subdivision (a) of, or subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) or paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of, Section 1981 shall have the right to reenroll in his or her former school or another comprehensive school immediately after being readmitted from the expulsion order pursuant to Section 48916 or court-ordered placement. Nothing in this section is intended to limit the school placement options that a school district may recommend for a pupil being readmitted.

(b) Consistent with the process and procedures set forth in Section 48916, only the governing board of the school district that issued the initial order or subsequent order to expel may extend the duration of an expelled pupil’s placement in a county community school.

(Added by Stats. 2014, Ch. 837, Sec. 3. (SB 1111) Effective January 1, 2015.)

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