Section 1700.

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The Legislature hereby declares that it is in the interest of the state and of the people for the office of the county superintendent of schools, through the county school service fund, to provide coordination of the educational program among school districts and community college districts in the territory under his or her jurisdiction and to provide professional and financial assistance to school districts and community college districts which otherwise, because of size or location, would not be able to furnish a satisfactory program of education for their children. That assistance is a matter of general concern inasmuch as the education of the children of the state is an obligation and function of the state.

In adopting this chapter, the Legislature considers that the coordination of the educational program constitutes the greatest continuing need to be met through the county school service fund. To meet this need the necessity is recognized to provide professional services to coordinate courses of study, guidance services, health services, school library services, special education, and attendance activities.

As an additional need, the Legislature recognizes the necessity to provide professional services in districts too small to supply services for themselves economically and effectively, such as, (a) to prepare courses of study; (b) to supervise instructional practices; (c) to provide direct guidance services, health services, and attendance services normally provided in an educational program; (d) to provide for the purchase, distribution, and use of supplementary instructional materials and equipment; and (e) to provide educational opportunity to normal and special pupils who would otherwise be denied it. It is recognized further that providing for professional service is a transitory function of the county school service fund to be assumed by school districts and community college districts when, through growth or reorganization, they will be able to perform the services for themselves.

It is the further intent of the Legislature that:

(a) Services involving the coordination of the educational program which have among others the purposes of (1) enforcing minimum standards, (2) improving the educational program, and (3) promoting order and reasonable uniformity in the educational program shall be provided, except as may be specifically authorized, at the district level, reserving to the district the opportunity and responsibility for internal improvement, and that those services will be provided in a manner that recognition will be given to the responsibilities placed upon school districts and community college districts, by the Legislature to determine and administer their own educational program.

(b) Services to school districts and community college districts, which do not constitute coordination among districts shall be provided in a manner that impetus will be given to strengthening school districts and community college districts, and to improving district organization to the end that more effective programs of education may be offered, and that the provision of services through the county school service fund shall not act to deter or delay any school districts and community college districts, from furnishing the services for themselves.

(c) Services to school districts and community college districts, shall be cooperatively provided by two or more county superintendents of schools without regard for county boundaries whenever a particular service may be so provided with economy and effectiveness.

(d) The direct operation of an educational program by the county superintendent of schools shall, except as specifically authorized by the Legislature, be limited to those emergency cases where children would otherwise be denied an opportunity for education.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1372, Sec. 32.)

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