Section 1645.

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(a) (1) All holders of licenses under this chapter shall continue their education after receiving a license as a condition to the renewal thereof, and shall obtain evidence satisfactory to the board that they have, during the preceding two-year period, obtained continuing education relevant to developments in the practice of dentistry and dental assisting consistent with regulations established by the board.

(2) The board shall adopt regulations providing for the suspension of the licenses at the end of the two-year period until compliance with this section is accomplished.

(b) The board may also, as a condition of license renewal, require licensees to successfully complete a portion of the required continuing education hours in specific areas adopted in regulations by the board. The board may prescribe this mandatory coursework within the general areas of patient care, health and safety, law and ethics, and the risks of addiction associated with the use of Schedule II drugs. The mandatory coursework prescribed by the board shall not exceed 15 hours per renewal period for dentists, and 7.5 hours per renewal period for dental auxiliaries. Any mandatory coursework required by the board shall be credited toward the continuing education requirements established by the board pursuant to subdivision (a).

(c) For a retired dentist who provides only uncompensated care, the board shall not require more than 60 percent of the hours of continuing education that are required of other licensed dentists. Notwithstanding subdivision (b), all of the hours of continuing education as described in this subdivision shall be gained through courses related to the actual delivery of dental services to the patient or the community, as determined by the board. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to reduce any requirements imposed by the board pursuant to subdivision (b).

(Amended by Stats. 2019, Ch. 865, Sec. 38. (AB 1519) Effective January 1, 2020.)

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