Section 1630.

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(a) The Superintendent shall review and consider studies, reports, evaluations, or audits of the county office of education that contain evidence that the county office of education is demonstrating fiscal distress according to the standards and criteria developed pursuant to Section 33127, or that contain a finding by an external reviewer that more than 3 of the 15 most common predictors of school agencies needing intervention, as determined by the County Office Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team, are present. If those findings are made, the Superintendent shall investigate the financial condition of the county office of education and determine if the county office of education may be unable to meet its financial obligations for the current or two subsequent fiscal years, or should receive a qualified or negative interim financial certification pursuant to Section 1240.

(b) If at any time during the fiscal year the Superintendent determines that the county office of education may be unable to meet its financial obligations for the current or two subsequent fiscal years, or if the county office has a qualified certification pursuant to Section 1240, he or she shall notify the county board of education and the county superintendent in writing of that determination and the basis for the determination. The notification shall include the assumptions used in making the determination and shall be available to the public. The Superintendent shall do the following, as necessary, to ensure that the county office meets its financial obligations:

(1) Assign a fiscal expert, paid for by the Superintendent, to advise the county office on its financial problems.

(2) Conduct a study of the financial and budgetary conditions of the county office. If, in the course of this review, the Superintendent determines that his or her office requires analytical assistance or expertise that is not available through the county office, he or she may employ, at county office expense, on a short-term basis, staff, including certified public accountants, to provide the assistance and expertise.

(3) Direct the county office to submit a financial projection of all fund and cash balances of the county office as of June 30 of the current year and subsequent fiscal years as he or she requires.

(4) Require the county office to encumber all contracts and other obligations, to prepare appropriate cashflow analyses and monthly or quarterly budget revisions, and to appropriately record all receivables and payables.

(5) Direct the county office to submit a proposal for addressing the fiscal conditions that resulted in the determination that the county office may not be able to meet its financial obligations.

(6) Withhold compensation of the county board of education and the county superintendent for failure to provide requested financial information.

(c) If, after taking the actions identified in subdivision (a), the Superintendent determines that a county office will be unable to meet its financial obligations for the current or subsequent fiscal year, he or she shall notify the county board of education and the county superintendent in writing of that determination and the basis for that determination. The notification shall include the assumptions used in making the determination and shall be available to the public.

(d) If the Superintendent of Public Instruction makes that determination, or if the county office has a negative certification pursuant to Section 1240, the Superintendent, shall, as necessary to enable the county office to meet its financial obligations, do one or more of the following:

(1) Develop and impose, in consultation with the county board of education and the county superintendent, a budget that will enable the county to meet its financial obligations.

(2) Stay or rescind an action that is determined to be inconsistent with the ability of the county office to meet its obligations for the current or subsequent fiscal year and may, as necessary, appoint a fiscal adviser to perform some or all of the duties prescribed by this paragraph on his or her behalf. This includes actions up to the point that the subsequent year’s budget is approved by the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall inform the county board of education in writing of his or her justification for an exercise of authority under this paragraph.

(3) Assist in developing, in consultation with the county board of education and the county superintendent, a financial plan that will enable the county office to meet its future obligations.

(4) Assist in developing, in consultation with the county board of education and the county superintendent, a budget for the subsequent fiscal year. If necessary, the Superintendent shall continue to work with the county board of education and the county superintendent until the budget for the subsequent year is adopted.

(e) Actions taken by the Superintendent pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) of subdivision (d) shall be accompanied by a notification that includes the actions to be taken, the reasons for the actions, and the assumptions used to support the necessity for those actions. That notification shall be available to the public.

(f) This section does not authorize the Superintendent to abrogate a provision of a collective bargaining agreement that was entered into by a county office prior to the date upon which the Superintendent assumed authority pursuant to subdivision (d).

(g) The county office shall pay reasonable fees charged by the Superintendent for administrative expenses incurred pursuant to subdivision (d) or costs associated with improving the office’s financial management practices.

(h) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a county treasurer shall not honor a warrant when the Superintendent, as appropriate, has disapproved that warrant, or has disapproved the order on county office funds for which a warrant was prepared.

(i) For all purposes of errors and liability insurance policies, a fiscal expert appointed pursuant to this section shall be deemed to be an employee of the county office of education. The Superintendent may require that the fiscal adviser be placed on the county office of education payroll for the purposes of remuneration, benefits, and payroll deductions.

(j) If staff persons are hired pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b), the Superintendent may certify to the Controller an amount to be transferred to the State Department of Education, from the funds that otherwise would be apportioned to the county office of education pursuant to Section 2558, for the purpose of paying all costs incurred by that staff in performing their respective services. The Controller, upon receipt of that certification, shall transfer that amount.

(k) To facilitate the appointment of a county office fiscal officer and the employment of additional staff pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively, of subdivision (b), for the purposes of those paragraphs, the Superintendent of Public Instruction is exempt from the requirements of Article 6 (commencing with Section 999) of Chapter 6 of Division 4 of the Military and Veterans Code and Part 2 (commencing with Section 10100) of Division 2 of the Public Contract Code.

(Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 296, Sec. 48. (AB 1023) Effective January 1, 2012.)

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